Apparently the Crown Jewels were held in the Manor House at St Pierre during the battle of Agincourt. Valuable silverware returned there 604 years later almost to the day, in October 2009, when the Bandit Trophy was held on the Mathern Course. In 2014, St Pierre becomes the second venue to be used twice for the Bandit Trophy. In 2009, artificial Scotsman Alan McDougall beat Paul Cartwright in what became a 9 hole playoff over the Old Course on the Sunday morning when A-Mac, having come from behind to lead at the turn, declared that "Penny is expecting me home by 2, and its rather windy, so I'm off."
Mac has undergone a tough time since being the losing Dacoity Cup Captain at Celtic Manor last year. Shortly after the event, it was reported that he was allegedly caught out by the so called Secret Milkshake in an undercover sting operation. He appeared to be attempting to sell, at vastly inflated prices, various golf equipment he had purchased online after seeing them on late night golf shopping channels on satellite TV.
When asked whether he had regretted buying the Controller Iron for £56 (free post and packing), Mac simply replied "Who can honestly say they haven't regretted what they've paid for on the internet at times? If it was only a golf club then at least it can't keep calling you."
But during our interview, Mac was bullish about his chances of winning again on his return to St Pierre. "The Bandit Trophy is on the Mathern Course again and I know it like the back of my hand" he boasts. Had he heard about the changes to the course since last time then? "Yeah of course" he says, before adding after a slight pause "what changes?". The first 2 holes on each nine have been reversed so the 10th and 11th are now the 1st and 2nd, and vice versa, I tell him. He fails to see the significance. I point out that this means the first hole is now a short par 4 of just 240 yards. "Oh I see" he says, "You're trying to trick me into trying to drive the green aren't you well I'm not falling for that, there's a water hazard or something - I'm not falling for it."
No water hazard I inform him, just a few bunkers. One in the middle of the fairway but he can easily carry that I assure him. "Really?" he says, and his mind seems to drift off for a minute. "It would be quite a start to the Bandit Trophy" I tempt him - "an eagle!". His eyes glaze over for a second before he returns to the present. "No, you are not catching me out" he says, "3 Wood - middle of the fairway, that's the play - nice solid start."
"Dave Talbot would have a go" I tell him. "Probably Derek too. Hoss can definitely reach."
"Its a reckless shot choice they would be foolish to try it" huffs Mac dismissively. "Golf is about the whole round, not one big shot. My class will show through over 18 holes"
"But everyone knows that you're a big hitter Mac, they'll expect you to drive the green."
"Shut up, its too risky."
"Alright Mac if you're not brave enough to take it on then you're right a 3 Wood is the play"
"Not brave enough, don't you dare, I'll show you, I'll show you all, don't you dare suggest I would wimp out I'll get the Driver out and knock it on in one no problem I don't care how many bunkers there are, I'm longer than any of you, I'll take it on and I'll have you eating your words, you watch me, you'll see."
Can't wait to see it.
The Old Course used to be a deer park, but opened for golf in 1962. It was the venue for the Curtis Cup in 1980, the Solheim Cup in 1996, and the PGA Welsh Masters in 2000. The club has also hosted many European Tour events including the Epson Grand Prix of Europe from 1986 to 1991, and the British Masters on eight occasions between 1971 and 1983.
All of these events mean that despite also including Alan McDougall, the list of golfers who have won tournaments at St Pierre is very impressive, with no less than 6 European Ryder Cup Captains:
Bandit Trophy
2009 Alan McDougall -
Epson Grand Prix of Europe
1991 José María Olazábal -
1990 Ian Woosnam -
Epson Grand Prix of Europe Matchplay Championship
1989 Seve Ballesteros -
1988 Bernhard Langer -
1987 Mats Lanner -
1986 Ove Sellberg -
British Masters
1983 Ian Woosnam -
1982 Greg Norman -
1980 Bernhard Langer -
1978 Tommy Horton -
1976 Baldovino Dassu -
1974 Bernard Gallacher -
1973 Tony Jacklin -
1971 Maurice Bembridge -
A Letter From The Host Venue
3rd July 2014
Dear Mr Ives,
I am writing in response to your letter of 15th June. Whilst we at St Pierre do not normally involve ourselves in the specific arrangements of visiting golf societies, I was thoroughly moved by your emotional description of your condition.
To be so tragically affected in this way is extremely sad, and I must express my admiration for the determined and stoical way in which you appear to be dealing with it in order to continue to enjoy your life, and golf in particular.
I had no idea (and nor did any of my colleagues) that it was even possible for anyone to have such a serious allergic reaction to golf balls, and certainly did not appreciate what a devastating impact it can have on those afflicted.
How curious that the only known antidote should be a golf buggy. One wonders how on earth this was even discovered. Still, medical science has advanced so far, it seems there is no limit to human ingenuity. Nevertheless, what an amazingly simple and yet bizarre cure.
Even more amazing to me was the revelation that the beneficial effects of the golf buggy in neutralising your symptoms (though you omitted to describe exactly what the symptoms are - I assume they are too distressing) are themselves counteracted by the mere presence of any other buggies on the course at the same time as yours.
However, such is our determination to welcome such an esteemed player as yourself (I did read the blog as you suggested), and such is our pride in hosting the Dacoity Cup, that I will accede to your request to make only one buggy available for the entire weekend, and guarantee you personal use of it for the three days you are staying with us.
Furthermore, to save the embarrassment of your fellow competitors, (they sound like truly wonderful companions going to such lengths to avoid drawing attention to your terrible allergy) I will be sure to fabricate an acceptable justification for being unable to allow anyone else to use a buggy for those three days. Even Mr McDougall will be unable to use one until he can produce a Scottish Passport!
I sincerely wish you an enjoyable stay,
Atad Gullyball
Manager, St Pierre Hotel and Country Club
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